Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Die Amsterdam portions, die are sharply down close, led by financial conditions - UPDATES

(updating report with full) AMSTERDAM closed, January. 18, 2008 (Thomson financial supplied of Newstex) — portions sharply lower, led by financial conditions, during optimism opening Wall of the Streets failed, Quellsaid market. The AEX closed 10,17 points or 2,21 at its low, down pct with 450.08, after it had opened with 456.36 and one had reached midafternoon height of 463.70. Government loans acted more higher, while the euro stood late yesterday with 1.4636 usd against 1.4684 usd. Portions turned more higher in the early afternoon trade, after market sources Wall a Street prognosticated, which was given by international IBM (NYSE:IBM) lift, AMD (NYSE:AMD) and GE (NYSE:GE) results. The AEX fell then right back down, led by financial conditions hit strongly by renewed interests of over suspension to US subprime mortgage market and sought out Wall Street, which is not capable to remain in the country. ING led AEX retrogressive securities, down 5,67 pct with eur 23,45, after macro-economic illustrations of US disappoint, research office SCREEN yesterday said. Amogn of other financial conditions, Fortis Halle 5,49 pct too eur 15,14 under report bank and Natixis are interest two die industriellen players to the credit expressed, if them unit Banco Popolares investment bank Efibanca acquire. Aegon (NYSE:AEG) fell 4,47 pct too eur 10,48 under report the BRITISH unit the group, which has Scottish fair frozen withdrawals of its property capital. Midcapper BinckBank liess 7,40 pct to 7,63 fallen and for SNS Reaal pushed 2,89 pct to 12.78th Die korporativen Express, US market heavily suspended, closed away away 5,16 pct with 3.86 and of Philips lost 4,95 pct to 24,38 degradieren Lehman Bros. at Fellow the Tech referred ASMI on midcap down 5,87 was following pct with eur 12,51 and Ordina fell 5,16 pct to 8.64. Oil services stock SBM off-coast weakened 4,78 pct too eur 16,72 under news, which die expenditure Goldmans ‘ conviction of buy ‘ was list cut. Randstad war down 2,68 pct with eur 26,18 and Vedior away of 1.01 pct with eur 16,63, while Petercam cut its evaluation on the combined company ‘ hold ‘ of ‘ buy ‘. Midcapper USG (NYSE:USG) People slipped 5,93 pct lower to 13.64. Publisher Wolters Kluwer war 2,14 pct, which is lower with eur 20,10, after led Citigroup. (NYSE:C) at the equal reed Elsevier degradieren (NYSE:RUK) (NYSE:ENL) AEX winner closed and up 0,49 pct with 12.19. Akzo Nobel (OOTC:AKZOY) lost 1,51 pct too eur 48,25, while same DSM exceeded market in achievement, away from 0.28 pct with 28.70, after company the joint venture with too develop biocreated achievement materials announced ROQUETTE. Boskalis Halle 3,07 pct too eur 33,79 on report Dutch of the excavators lost a contract tender worth 587 mln usd to work in the aluminium-Zour races Saudi Arabia Small to cap expenditure Beter bed fell 16,78 pct too eur 12,20, while it reduced its full year 2007 Reingewinanleitung, when reporting on sales of the fourth quarter, market Quellsaid Local expenditure Nieuwe Steen Investments away from 1.16 at eur 17,0 as Johan Schipper was pct -, which was compensated by its board the management. Under AEX winners war Ahold put on 0.37 pct too ahead 8,17 of the results later, die of the Tochterschuitema. Fellow expenditure for food orientation lever (NYSE:UL) today up 0,13 is pct with 22.62. Nutreco exceeded general market, away fish die of 0.19 pct with eur 41,16 at achievement, while analysts welcomed his acquisition of US, company Nelson and sons for the 11 mln eur feed. On midcap the Vopak rose 1,75 added pct to 32,58 and Teleatlas 0,70 pct eur 27,24 under increasing confidence in addition that that approves European Union the assumption offer TomToms and acts Quellsaid. Copyright Thomson financial news Limited 2007. all rights reserve Die copy, die new edition or die redistribution of Thomson financial news of contents, including by shapes or die similar means, are expressly forbidden without die prior written agreement of Thomson financial news. Newstex identification: AFX-0013-22364934


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